Wine Country Ukulele Festival Poster Contest

Found this contest recently and all kinds of things came to mind.  It’s been a busy end of semester and (as you may have noticed) the blog has fewer posts.  Sadly, the ukes have had fewer strums too.

But when I saw the call for poster contest at I wished I’d had time to play with a few  images. Likely that time is not going to appear.  But I wondered — should the whole thing be wine-colored? Or Earth tones?  Should there be grapes or vines threading throughout?  Could the vines be strummed?  Would the vines tether the uke to the player?

I like bright t-shirts for summer and fun.  Black is for work.  Would there be sunrise and water?  Valleys and rolling hills shaping the uke?

There’s a picture of the little “tiki guy” that apparently was a hit last year.  So has he had quite a bit of wine since last year and a little more plump?  No, he’s been busy strumming the uke. So the workouts have kept him, well, in tiki guy shape.  And the background color is close to wine — sort of.   I wonder if he can drink from the uke.  A sip or strum kind of dilemma.

If you get ideas for the design, go for it. I’ll be checking to see who wins on the website.  Deadline is May 21, 2010.

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1 Response to Wine Country Ukulele Festival Poster Contest

  1. Elaine says:


    Thanks for your comments!

    We do have a winner and I thought you might like to see what we went with:

    Hope you can make it out west one of these days!



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